Keys to Success

Abraham waited patiently, and he received what God had promised. Hebrews 6

We by the power of the Holy Spirit can do the same.

God has given us both His Promise and His Oath. Hebrews 6

And it is impossible for God to lie.

So with these truths in place, we have a God who is fully trustworthy and able to get us where we need to go, any day of the week with good success. Right?

Let’s look further.

We can hold onto God’s promise with confidence. Hebrews 6

Because He who has called us is Faithful.

When our Faithful God begins to direct our steps in a definite direction, always be sure to follow His promptings without delay, even when things don’t seem to be in place.

As you obey… the pieces will begin to align themselves with the direction God has given… with the vision.

Faith_Moving_Forward_tiltGod has promised to do His part. It is our responsibility and privilege to do ours.

Our part is to step out and obey His voice… His leading.

His part is to bring forth the results.

And He will.

The results are never our responsibility. God says “Results are in My job description”. God has chosen to take on that part of the program. Isn’t that good news?

I am thankful for a God who is forever faithful, who is forever true.

Thank you Abba Father for safety and for unerring guidance.

We love you.

And for us today…  It’s Forward Motion.

What are your thoughts?